Last check, can anyone provide any direction for me on this?


On Mar 9, 6:37 pm, kberridge <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for an example of how to use a table-per-class-hierarchies
> with Automapper.
> I've setup my automappings so the default Subclass Strategy is
> Subclass:
> autoMappings.Setup( s => s.SubclassStrategy = t =>
> SubclassStrategy.Subclass );
> I've included the parent of the class Hierarchy with:
> autoMappings.IncludeBase<Parent>();
> I have also defined an IAutoMappingOverride for the Parent:
> public class ParentOverrideMap : IAutoMappingOverride<Parent>
> {
>   public void
> Override( FluentNHibernate.Automapping.AutoMapping<Parent> mapping )
>   {
>     mapping.DiscriminateSubClassesOnColumn( "Type" );
>     mapping.SubClass<ChildA>( "ChildA" );
>   }
> }
> From what I've read on the Wiki on in various Google searches it seems
> like that should work, but when I test it by using the SchemaExport
> tool, it builds the table with the discriminator column name as
> "discriminator" instead of "Type".  So it seems my overrides aren't
> working.
> The documentation on the Wiki doesn't cover this, so I've mostly been
> guessing, that's why I'm wondering if anyone could point me to an
> article somewhere with a good example of using the table-per-class-
> hierarchy strategy with automappings.
> Thanks,
> Kevin

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