I have classes Task {
        public virtual User Reporter { get; set; }
        public virtual User AssignedTo { get; set; }
class TaskMap{ ...
  References(x => x.AssignedTo).Nullable();
 References(x => x.Reporter) .Nullable();
and class User{...
 public virtual ICollection<RelationUserProjectRole> Relations { get;
set; }
class UserMap{  ...
 HasMany(x => x.Relations).Cascade.All() .AsSet().OrderBy("Id");

 class RelationUserProjectRole { ...
public virtual User User { get; private set; }
class RelationUserProjectRoleMap{ ...
    References(x => x.User).Not.Nullable();
generates the following database:
Reporter_Id   ]   these colomns have references to column Id table

and Table
RelationUserProjectRole [
]  this  colomn have references to column Id table User

The question is why mapped so ?Why is this column AssignedTo_Id  in
the table RelationUserProjectRole ?
I have no field AssignedTo in the class RelationUserProjectRole


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