I'm working with Auto Mapping trying to put NHibernate on top of
existing Oracle database (yeah, I know - awesome).

It basically is the first time I've worked with auto mapping and it's
working just fine except I'm not sure how to approach one-to-many

It's simple (pseudocode)

class Foo
Bar Bar {get;
_bar = value;

class Bar
IList<Foo> Foos {get;set;}

So basically
- how to set up the relation properly with inverse = "true" and all
the other gooddies so that NHibernate knows that these properties are
both ends of the same relationship
- while for all other properties I'm using Property access, in here
obviously for the "many" end of the relationship I need to use back
field, so how do I do the exception here for those cases
- I have many more many-to-one relationships in the model but they are
one directional so I need to tell them apart (things like
Item.UpdatedByUser etc)
- this one I guess is obvious but I'll say this anyway - there are
many sets of Foos and Bars like that in the model - so that pseudocode
above is just an example of how things are layed down

I feel like I'm missing bigger picture. I know of different convention
interfaces but they are very fine grained and I feel like to do it
right I need information from multiple, not just one. So what am I
missing here, how should I go about doing it "the right way".


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