
This is my frist time posting to this group, and I am a total noob
regarding Fluent and NHibernate. But I have set up my project, and am
definately getting some data through, but sometimes I see the Profiler
logging two different sql queries being put through to the database
from the web application.

Query 1:
select country0_.id             as id12_,
       country0_.name           as name12_,
       country0_.shortname      as shortname12_,
       country0_.code           as code12_,
       country0_.description    as descript5_12_,
       country0_.isdeleted      as isdeleted12_,
       country0_.owner_group_id as owner7_12_
from   ts_countries country0_
where  (country0_.isdeleted = 0)

Query 2:
select   country0_.id             as id12_,
         country0_.name           as name12_,
         country0_.shortname      as shortname12_,
         country0_.code           as code12_,
         country0_.description    as descript5_12_,
         country0_.isdeleted      as isdeleted12_,
         country0_.owner_group_id as owner7_12_
from     ts_countries country0_
where    (country0_.isdeleted = 0)
         and country0_.owner_group_id = 1 /* @p0 */
order by country0_.name asc

Can some explain to me what is going on ... ?

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