I am trying to map read only properties (property with getter and no setter)
via automapping.

Normally I'd expectthe default behavior of FluentNHibernate to map this
directly as Access -> Read Only (since they don't even have private fields)
But it doesn't, and it's OK, because it's hard to tel whether I'm using a
backing field or not, and also to assume that I don't.

Let's say I add
 public virtual string DisplayTitle
         return Name;
To the Product class in FluentNHibernate source Automapping project.

Problem *1*:: When running, I get an incomplete invalid or incomplete
configuration as per: Could not find a setter for 'DisplayTitle'

The next thought I had was to use Conventions, I added a IPropertyConvention
public void Apply(IPropertyInstance instance)
    if(instance.Property.CanWrite == false)
It seems to do something, since then the problem

Problem *2*:  When running, I get an incomplete invalid or incomplete
configuration yet this time as per:

> {"could not find PropertyAccessor type: nosetter"}

which gets the inner exception:

> {"Could not load type nosetter. Possible cause: no assembly name
> specified.":""}


If I try to use override normally at the specific property, it does work,
but I want to do it as convention.



The reason I'm trying this is trying to make a FluentNHibernate version of
the article:


Jose sent me his tries with FNH and I tweaked them a bit, and currently the
only problem that sounds extra work is this one.

I first tried it on the corresponding solution which used NHibernate 3.1 and
FluentNHibernate 1.2 from NUGET,

 then when it didn't work, I tried to get latest DLLs from FluentNHibernate
source, both "Master" and "1.x" branches.

Then to make sure it's not related to our solution I tried what I wrote here
on the sample automapping project in FluentNHibernate source. I tried , both
"Master" and "1.x" branches.after replacing the NHibernate references with
the NHibernate 3.1 DLLs in the FluentnNHibernate source folder

Any idea how to fix problem 2 at least?

Thanks a lot.


*Mohamed Meligy
*Readify | Senior Developer

M:+61 451 835006 | W: readify.net
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