I have noticed something similar: Usually my conventions work like
before 1.2, but if I call ExportTo() in my fluent configuration, no
conventions are applied.

I can reproduce it by adding
".Conventions.Add(DefaultAccess.Property()).ExportTo("D:\\")" to
Examples.FirstProject of the current 1.x branch. The exported mappings
still contain the access strategies which are choosen by Fluent
NHibernate itself (backfield for Id, nothing specified for other

On May 12, 9:45 pm, James Gregory <jagregory....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've tried to reproduce both of your issues and I can't. I modified the
> Example.FirstProject and Example.FirstAutomappedProject example projects
> which are included with the FNH source, and both of them applied table
> naming conventions correctly.
> *@dwlodarczyk* What version of FNH are you using exactly? You say 1.2, was
> that the official release or one of the pre-release builds? What's the build
> version?
> *@Vahid* Try upgrading to the 1.2 official release, the version you're
> running is a few builds behind. I'm having no issues with the latest.

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