
I CRAMmed that SoundFont myself, since I have it already built and what
not.  Reminds me that I need to finish coding up the new format, since
it now supports Wavpack and allows for lossy/lossless hybrid encoding
(in other words its possible to distribute a "lossy" version of a
SoundFont with another correction file which when combined creates the
original lossless, the combined sizes of the 2 hybrid files being only a
little larger than a lossless version).  So for the moment, I don't
recommend distributing CRAM compressed files, since the current
libInstPatch CRAM format is not going to be used in the final version.

Here are the resulting stats for CRAM and the GeneralUser GS FluidSynth
v1.43 RC1.sf2 file:

SF2          31263838
BZ2          26810731
CRAM/FLAC    19368211

On Mon, 2008-02-25 at 08:05 -0500, Ebrahim Mayat wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-02-19 at 11:11 -0600, S. Christian Collins wrote:
> > I have updated the files once again. I set the reverb and chorus 
> > effects send levels to their default values (200). I had specified
> > send 
> > levels of 1000 in my SoundFonts to increase the total possible
> > effect 
> > level (I did this for Audigy and especially X-Fi sound cards).
> > However, 
> > this is too extreme for FluidSynth, causing its FX engine to
> > overload 
> > and distort. So, here are the updated files:
> > 
> > http://www.schristiancollins.com/temp/GeneralUser%20GS%20FluidSynth%
> > 20v1.42.sf2.bz2
> > http://www.schristiancollins.com/temp/Splendid%20Grand-normal%
> > 20FluidSynth%20v1.03.sf2.bz2
> Hello Chris
> Would it be possible for you to try compressing the Splendid Grand
> soundfont using Josh Green's "cram" utility which can be compiled from
> the svn sources of libinstpatch obtainable from 
> <http://swami.resonance.org/trac>  ?
> It would be interesting to see what compression levels could be
> achieved with large soundfonts.
> Many thanks.
> Ebrahim

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