On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 11:34 +0100, Antoine Schmitt wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm not sure that the problem can be ignored for Midi file playback,  
> because a large driver buffer will miss some midi events, which will  
> then happen late in the audio stream.
> About my patch, the fact is that I haven't found a clean way to link  
> the synth to the sequencer. I verified that my fix worked, but did not  
> manage to clean up the API nicely. The synth and the seq currently  
> just point to each other. I did not know how to manage this API  
> change, and still don't. There is this seqbingd.h file which purpose  
> was to isolate the synth from the seq. If we link them directly in  
> some way, this file is useless. I need advice...

Having some source code to sink our teeth into, would help a lot.  Did
you already make it available and I missed that memo?  If not, would it
be possible to place it somewhere?  I could make a branch for it in SVN.

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