Quoting "S. Christian Collins" <s.chriscoll...@gmail.com>:

j...@resonance.org wrote:
It still seems a bit weird to me to try and pick a minimum note duration, which will work well with most instruments, which could have different attack durations, etc. It may be that it works fine in practice though. I just don't like it. If you have a percussion instrument that has a short release phase, you'll just end up with a 8ms or 10ms percussion sound, so it will still get cut short and sound weird. If a MIDI file is truly expecting note-offs to be ignored, it wont be getting that behavior.
In theory, however, there shouldn't be percussion instruments with
short release times, unless that instrument's length is variable
(guiro, whistle, SFX).  There are two conventions that are understood
regarding this:
 1.  Instruments that are struck and then resonate are programmed with
an appropriately long release to allow the sample to play fully
regardless of how long the note is held down... just like a real
percussion instrument.
 2.  Sequencers that program 0-length MIDI events expect the above behavior.

Assuming the sample programmer in convention #1 did his job correctly,
convention #2 will always work with the note-off delay.


Ok, that makes a little more sense now. So I guess the "missing percussion" issue is because the note duration is less than the attack time? So, with a minimum note duration setting, so long as its greater than the attack time of the percussion instruments, should work.


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