Hello Pedro,

Quoting Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas <pedro.lopez.cabanil...@gmail.com>:
On Wednesday, October 21, 2009, jimmy wrote:
Would it be better depending on just QT4, or QT4.5, instead of KDE.

I am a KDE user, so my preference is keeping KMid as a KDE application.

Jack-midi could probably help on win32 and even Mac, I think???

Jack MIDI may be the right thing for Ardour, but it is a big nuisance for
everything else. For instance, FluidSynth. I'm NOT an Ardour user, and I'm
certainly not going to use any application requiring exclusively Jack MIDI.

I'm curious what you find to be a nuisance about Jack MIDI? I haven't used it much yet myself, so I don't yet have much of an opinion. FluidSynth now has support for Jack MIDI, if you weren't already aware of that. I usually end up having to run something like a2jmidid to bridge ALSA sequencer clients/devices with Jack MIDI. I like the idea of the whole audio and MIDI pipeline being synchronized though! The API seems easy enough (just a raw MIDI stream for the most part, without running status).



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