> I did. The main problem was that it only takes a file path, not a file
> handle. I looked at whether it would be easy to add a function for this
> but it didn't seem to fit into the playlist design.

True, the fluid MIDI file player doesn't extend to anything other than files
(by name). But looking at Mix_LoadMUS (in SDL_mixer), which I assume you are
extending, most of the music types pass char* file (the filename) along to
the music format loaders. Can't you do the same to fluid?

If you do want to load data from a non-file (such as an SDL RWop), it seems
you'd just need to replace the functionality of fluid_midi_file_get_division
and fluid_midi_file_load_tracks (the only operations performed on the
midifile object itself by fluid_player_load in midi/fluid_midi.c) -- not
actually deal with interpreting the track data itself (you wouldn't need to
know the semantics of each individual event).
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