On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 11:34 PM, yanli lei <yanlile...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From this FAQ:
> http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora_Draft_Documentation/0.1/html/Musicians_Guide/chap-Musicians_Guide-FluidSynth.html
> When we tested our drum on Channel 10 and maybe other channel is also
> reserved by FluidSynth, it doesn't seem to produce any sound, would it be
> possible for this channel to work?
> Thanks.

It certainly should work.  If you described how you are using it, it
might make it easier for us to help you.  Does the SoundFont you are
loading have a preset on bank 128, program 0?  Are you using the
FluidSynth shell for this test?  If so, what do you get when you type
the "channels" command?  How are you sending note events to the
channel (via a MIDI connection or via the shell?)  If you are using
MIDI, try and send an event using the shell:
noteon 9 60 127
noteoff 9 60

That will send a note on/off event to channel 10 (note that channels
start at 0, so 9 is channel 10).  If you are still having problems,
are you sure that the other channels are working and its just an issue
with channel 10?

Best regards,
Element Green

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