On 09/15/2011 09:12 AM, Matt Giuca wrote:
    Would the following text be suitable to put on the wiki, and
    represent the sort-of consensus:

    === iOS and the App Store ===

    It is questionable whether iOS and the App Store can fulfil the
    requirements of the LGPL. From a long thread on the fluid-dev
    mailinglist [insert link to archive], it was concluded that the
    developer distributing an application using FluidSynth must fulfil
    the following conditions:

      * He/she must release all changes to the FluidSynth source code
    under the LGPL.
      * He/she must release all other code of the application, either as
    source or as linkable object files, so that an independent user can
    relink the application with a different version of FluidSynth.

    In addition, the App Store distribution mechanism might be
    incompatible with the LGPL, so the developer risks that Apple
    chooses to remove the application. To avoid that risk, the developer
    can choose to distribute his application through e g Cydia.

    The following FluidSynth copyright holders have agreed not to
    actively raise complaints against FluidSynth App Store applications,
    provided the above conditions are met:

    Peter Hanappe
    Josh "Element" Green
    Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas
    David Henningsson
    Matt Guica

Okay, I agree to have my name on that. Except it's "Giuca" not "Guica".
(I guess it's a wiki so I can always change it.) :)

Sorry. As a matter of fact, the very day I misspelled your name, I got my own misspelled. Coincidence or karma? :-)

    However FluidSynth has a lot of copyright holders, so the above is
    NOT a guarantee that not any other FluidSynth contributor, or anyone
    else, won't choose to raise a complaint against Apple for
    distributing FluidSynth.

"NOT a guarantee that any other" (remove the second occurrence of "not").

Ok, sentence reworked.

It may also be prudent to add one or more of the following points:

  * The FluidSynth developers are not responsible for any decision made
    by Apple with regards to distribution of software via the App Store.

I think this is pretty obvious and does not need to be added.

  * Regardless of the exact legality of releasing LGPL code on the App
    Store, Apple is known to be conservative and remove software when in
    doubt of its legal status (e.g., VLC was removed from the App Store
    due to a complaint raised over its GPL license).

Ok, added a note in the second draft.

// David

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