> Ordinary users are not going to want to use the command line.  Although it
> is useful for wrappers to use, a non-technical user will shy away from
> anything done in the command line.

Well that's why there is QSynth, right? (I haven't used QSynth much

What we are talking about here is unifying the way you tell FluidSynth your
reverb preferences, so that {command-line, interactive prompt, network
access, API, GUI} all have access to the same set of preferences, and use
the same names for them regardless of how they are configured. This can
only be a good thing.

And in any case, just because ordinary users don't want to use the command
line doesn't mean it shouldn't be supported. More technical users such as
myself need to get the most benefit out of FluidSynth. (For me personally,
if FS didn't support command-line, I wouldn't use it -- it is too much
hassle to manually record all the tracks using a GUI. I have scripts set up
to automatically convert all of my MIDI into an OGG file so that I can be
sure the OGG version reflects the latest MIDI.)
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