On 16/11/11 Matt Giuca wrote:

2. Make this file a true settings file, which consists of key=value pairs
and # comment lines, which modifies the settings.

As long as there are settings to cover all the things you might want to
change (e.g., reverb), then I don't see a problem with #2 and I think it
would be cleaner.

Speaking as a complete non-programmer, but an avid user of Fluidsynth, please may I add my support for Matt's suggestion of a settings file.

This seems to be the way that most things are configured in Linux. I imagine that the idea is to have a file called fluidsynth.conf or suchlike, which would contain lines like 'Gain=2', 'Chorus=Off', etc.

To my mind, that's the most desirable solution to the problem of settings, especially these elusive reverb ones. It was I who prompted the discussion (back in March of this year) about adjusting reverb on a running Fluidsynth by using a server mode. Without doubt, particularly for simpletons like me, a '.conf' file that is read when Fluidsynth starts would be eminently preferable.

Just my tuppence worth!


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