On 02/02/2012 01:44 AM, R.L. Horn wrote:
Recently, I've been working with the Byrd Gradualia and wasn't too
thrilled with the default 12TET tuning. I wrote some scripts to generate
tuning shell commands, e.g.:

tuning youngs_well_temperament 0 0
tune 0 0 0 0
tune 0 0 1 93.9
tune 0 0 2 195.8
settuning 0 0 0
settuning 1 0 0

This works great when I connect a keyboard or otherwise send events via
the ALSA sequencer, but has no effect when specifying a file on the
command line (i.e. fluidsynth -f youngs.txt [soundfont] [midifile]).

I found a thread
that seemed to address a similar issue, but that one was, apparently,

I also found ticket #103, but that clearly concerns something completely

One possible clue is that, when wrestling with the fast renderer, which
has a nasty habit of cutting off the output before everything has
settled, I attempted to append a bit of silence with:

fluidsynth -F [file] [soundfont] [midifile] silence.midi

and got a noticable click. Now, I'm wondering if specifying a file
implies a reset of some sort.

I think you're on the right track here. Try running fluidsynth with the -o player.reset-synth=false option.

// David

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