
I'll do just that, either with sox or libsndfile or both.

On Rosegarden: I should have mentioned that I am almost blind and somehow wedded to the command line unless developers undertook the effort to use the accessibility features of Qt etc. so screen reading software like Jaws for Windows or Orca for Gnome can grab the screen content. But developers are a lazy bunch as we all know ;-)

I will be offline for a few days and report back later.



Am 10.03.2012 23:10, schrieb Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas:
On Saturday 10 March 2012, Dr.Leo wrote:
thanks. As MinGW does the trick, I am not so keen to recompile it on
MSVC9. I just wanted to share a potential problem. But I realise that
the main problem is in my head rather than in fluidsynth's repository. I
understand that you don't want to officially release windows binaries
for the reasons you mention. But I think it would still be useful. If I
had a website I would probably do it myself, well I have a project on
Google code, but this is unrelated to music.

I've tried the -F option. A .raw file is created but I cannot play it.
SoX reports an error as the sampling rate is not specified. I guess this
is a feature, not a bug.
A "raw" file means that it has no file header indicating the sample rate or
format. You can choose the desired sample rate and sample format in the
command line , like this:

fluidsynth -r 44100 -O s16 -F output.raw ...

Which are the defaults, by the way. You can try "-O help" to see the available
sample formats, but 's16' is the only option without libsndfile support. Means
16 bits signed. Another default is stereo, (=2 audio channels).

With the above data you can comfortably build a sox command line:

sox -r 44100 -e signed -b 16 -c 2 output.raw output.wav

Still I want to use sndfile, but I don't know
how.  The docs are tacit on this. There is a Windows binary of sndfile
alongside with the tarball. I tried to compile the tarball successfully.
but I don't know how to include it in FluidSynth. I thought I'd just
copy sndfile.h in FluidSynth's include dir and the dll and def files of
libfluidsynth in the MinGW lib dir. I know this is very basic and should
not be on this list. So I would also appreciate any link to a concise
recipe on compiling multiple libraries etc. but my only goal so far is
to create wav from midi.

Any further tips?
To build FluidSynth with sndfile, download and install the package as usual,
into "C:\Program Files", from the 32 bits package:

Now, open in the windows explorer the directory "C:\Program Files\Mega-
Nerd\libsndfile" and select/copy the directories bin\, lib\ and include\.
Paste the three directories into your C:\freesw folder (or whatever name you
have chosen for the directory containing glib/pkg-config), merging them with
the previous content. Now, you need to edit the file
"C:\freesw\lib\pkgconfig\sndfile.pc", because its library name does not match
the distributed windows DLL. I've attached mine, but the two affected lines

Name: libsndfile-1
Libs: -L${libdir} -llibsndfile-1

After this, you need to execute cmake again, with enable-libsndfile=1. Hope
this helps.


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