On Sunday 11 March 2012, R.L. Horn wrote:
> ./configure --without-readline
> ./configure --disable-dbus-support
> ./configure --disable-libsndfile-support 

The auto-tools build system for FluidSynth is deprecated. The cmake build 
system has equivalent options:

cmake -Denable-readline=off -Denable-dbus=off -Denable-libsndfile=off ...
> >     /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
> >     /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib
> Provided by GNU gcc.  A complete gcc install should have static versions 
> of both.  You'll have to pass the "-static-libgcc" and "-static-libstdc++" 
> options to the linker to use them.
> I don't know if the Darwin linker will let you get away with this or not. 
> Hopefully, someone who knows about macs will chime in.  Also, linking 
> these statically may cause problems with exception handling.

Both runtime libraries are provided by Apple along with the GCC compiler. The 
options for static linking work fine, but as these runtime libs belong to OSX, 
there is little justification to do it.
> If fink doesn't provide static versions, you might have to build GCC 
> yourself.  Get gcc-core and gcc-g++ from ftp://ftp.gnu/org/gnu/gcc and 
> follow the build/install instructions.  A 4.2 or 4.4 version should be 
> adequate, and have fewer build dependencies than 4.6.

Apple distribute(d) official builds of GCC with the Xcode toolchain. It was 
the official Mac compiler before adopting clang as a replacement.
Sources are available at http://www.opensource.apple.com


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