Re-posting this issue that was received to the fluid-dev owner address.

Best regards,

Element Green

> Date: Thu, 23 May 2013 17:28:39 -0700
> From: Pete Goodeve <>
> To:
> Subject: rpn Fine tuning range
> Hi,
> There's a slight non-conformity in fluidsynth that has been an
> annoyance.  The standard range of the RPN 'Channel Fine Tuning"
> is +/- one semitone (+/-100 cents), not the +/- 50 cents that is
> set in the code.
>  (see )
> [Annoying because I typically have my keyboard and a hardware
> synthl -- which match the standard -- running as wel, and sometimes
> I want to adjust everyting to match an off-standard-pitch recording!]
> I still have an earlier version (1.0.9), where I simply changed the
> lines in fluid_chan.c to:
>           case RPN_CHANNEL_FINE_TUNE:   /* Fine tune is 14 bit over +/-1 
> semitone (+/- 100 cents, 8192 = center) */
>             fluid_synth_set_gen(chan->synth, chan->channum, GEN_FINETUNE,
>                                 (data - 8192) / 8192.0 * 100.0);
> and now everything matches.
> Looking at the latest release, I see that this code is now in fluid_synth.c
> (line 1100) but it still has the 50 cent value.
> I recommend conforming to the standard...
> Thanks,
>         -- Pete Goodeve --
> ----- End forwarded message -----

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