Hello everyone,

first of all: a BIG, BIG THANK YOU to everyone here for Fluidsynth.
It's a wonderful application, I 
like and use it a lot!

I'm running Fluidsynth 1.1.6 on a small Arm board running Linux (something
like a Cubieboard. 
Say a RaspPi on steroids).
I recompiled everything to gain as much performances as possible, and
am really happy about 
it (175 MB of SF2, 128 voices, 21ms latency and
hardly breaks a sweat!).

My question. hoping not to waste too much of 
your time.

I'm running Fluidsynth in unattended Server mode ( -s ): the ARM board
is headless and connected to a MIDI 
input (master keyboard and/or

I'd like to change some Fluidsynth settings "on the fly":

- without 
resorting to the integrated shell (because I can't use it: headerless
board without keypad)
- without having to send 
MIDI commands using my MIDI keyboard (because it's very
complicated with my model)
- without restarting Fluidsynth

particular, I'd like to change:
gain (-g)
reverb (-R)
chorus (-C)
General MIDI bank

So I was thinking of a shell 
script or C program I may write,
triggered by an appropriate physical input (I can do that, I have
plenty GPIOs on the 
The program/script should "talk" to Fluidsynth server and change some
settings in realtime, without restarting 
it (a brief pause is OK).

I've read the documentation, and from what I gather, it should be somehow 
possible using 
Fluidsynth API via libfluidsynth.
But every example I've found creates a new Synth before setting parameters, etc.
don't want to create a new synth: I only want to change the settings of the 
Fluidsynth server which is already running.

Is it possible?
Any hint, code fragment...?

Thanks a lot for your patience. :-)

Best regards,


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