> Hello, thanks a lot for your support!
>>The first thing that comes to mind, without having to do any programming,
> to use the built in FluidSynth TCP/IP server (a command line switch
>>enables this).
> My board has no network, but I
> could use the internal localhost: fluidsynth tcp server would listen on
> and my script, running locally, could
> use netcat to talk to the appropriate port. A dummy network, that is.
> But, I did not find any documentation about
> fluidsynth tcp server: nothing in the man page, nothing in the html
> document. :(
> So I don't know about commands,
> message formats, settings, etc. :(
> I was hoping that, for example (libfluidsynth doc):
>   fluid_settings_setstr
> (settings, "some_parameter", "some_value");
> could apply to an existing (running) synth, without having to do
>  synth =
> new_fluid_synth(settings);
> But it seems that there's nothing like a synth =
> open_running_fluid_synth()  :-(
>>Nice to
> hear about your results with the ARM platform you are using.  I've
>>been wanting to create a stand alone FluidSynth
> device for a while myself.
>>It's great that embedded systems have reached a high enough level, power
>>wise, to work as
> well as you are reporting and with floating point units to
>>make this possible.
> Yes, these new dev boards are really
> powerful.
> The one I'm using has a Allwinner A20 (dual-CortexA7 @ 900MHz) and 1GB of
> I found it's useful to
> recompile everything with GCC 4.7.2, because it supports specific ARM
> Cortex optimizations and auto-vectorialization
> using the NEON SIMD unit; you can gain a nice speed boost.
> My CFLAGS are
> '-march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a7 -ffast-math -
> mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -Ofast'
> Fernando
>>On Aug 11, 2013 8:16 AM, "fcare...@tiscali.it" <fcare...@tiscali.it>
>> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>>> first of all: a BIG, BIG THANK YOU to everyone here for Fluidsynth.
>>> It's a wonderful
> application, I
>>> like and use it a lot!
>>> I'm running Fluidsynth 1.1.6 on a small Arm board running Linux
> (something
>>> like a Cubieboard.
>>> Say a RaspPi on steroids).
>>> I recompiled everything to gain as much performances
> as possible, and
>>> am really happy about
>>> it (175 MB of SF2, 128 voices, 21ms latency and
>>> hardly breaks a
> sweat!).
>>> My question. hoping not to waste too much of
>>> your time.
>>> I'm running Fluidsynth in unattended
> Server mode ( -s ): the ARM board
>>> is headless and connected to a MIDI
>>> input (master keyboard and/or
> sequencer).
>>> I'd like to change some Fluidsynth settings "on the fly":
>>> - without
>>> resorting to the
> integrated shell (because I can't use it: headerless
>>> board without keypad)
>>> - without having to send
>>> MIDI
> commands using my MIDI keyboard (because it's very
>>> complicated with my model)
>>> - without restarting Fluidsynth
>>> In
>>> particular, I'd like to change:
>>> gain (-g)
>>> reverb (-R)
>>> chorus (-C)
>>> General MIDI bank
>>> So I was
> thinking of a shell
>>> script or C program I may write,
>>> triggered by an appropriate physical input (I can do that, I
> have
>>> plenty GPIOs on the
>>> board).
>>> The program/script should "talk" to Fluidsynth server and change some
> settings in realtime, without restarting
>>> it (a brief pause is OK).
>>> I've read the documentation, and from what
> I gather, it should be somehow
>>> possible using
>>> Fluidsynth API via libfluidsynth.
>>> But every example I've found
> creates a new Synth before setting
>>> parameters, etc.
>>> I
>>> don't want to create a new synth: I only want to change
> the settings of
>>> the Fluidsynth server which is already running.
>>> Is it possible?
>>> Any hint, code
> fragment...?
>>> Thanks a lot for your patience. :-)
>>> Best regards,
>>> Fernando

  Hello Fernando.ot be
  I wrote a shell for fluidsynth called fluidterm that sends/receives
  from the tcp/ip interface.  I can ship you the source if you like.
  I'm on holiday now in Hawaii, so I may not be too attentive.
>>> Invita i tuoi amici
> e Tiscali ti premia! Il consiglio di un amico vale più
>>> di uno spot in TV. Per ogni nuovo abbonato 30 € di premio per
> te e per lui!
>>> Un amico al mese e parli e navighi sempre gratis:
>>> http://freelosophy.tiscali.it/
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> Invita i tuoi amici e Tiscali ti premia! Il consiglio di un amico vale
> più di uno spot in TV. Per ogni nuovo abbonato 30 € di premio per te e
> per lui! Un amico al mese e parli e navighi sempre gratis:
> http://freelosophy.tiscali.it/
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*   Dave Serls -- d...@dashs.com           *

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