>I think (and hope) it is the expected behavior.
>In performing with such an instrument sound (oboe, for example), I
sometimes use the sustain pedal to hold out a note while I shift my
>hand(s) to a different area.  So it is useful in that rare occasion.
>Usually though, the sustain pedal is not useful for such instrument sounds.

Hi Aere:

Thanks for your reply.  I understand as you pointed out that there is a
fairly limited use of the sustain pedal for those type of instruments.  I do
have a Yamaha keyboard and it always slowly fades out instruments of all
types when the sustain is engaged.  The wind instruments of course take
longer to fade out but they do fade eventually.  You could still use the
sustain pedal to switch your hands in that short interval as you described
even with a slow fade.  I was just curious as to why the fluidsynth
behaviour was to keep the notes ON indefinitely and whether this is a
configurable behaviour.



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