Hello David,

On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 1:48 AM, David Henningsson <di...@ubuntu.com> wrote:

> On 2014-06-07 01:13, Micah Fitch wrote:
>> So anyhow, I'm curious about this.  Right now I can't even have multiple
>> instances of a 300 MB soundfont without really taking up lots of
>> unnecessary memory.  It'd be nice to change that.
> Actually, this has recently been fixed in FluidSynth, there hasn't yet
> been a release that has this feature though. I e, if you have two different
> FluidSynth instances that both load the same soundfont, they will share the
> soundfont memory.
>  P.S. Here's a totally off the wall idea...  to make an LV2 plugin based
>> on Swami.  That's kind of intriguing to me for some reason!  But would
>> probably be a good amount of work.
> FWIW, I made some draft/alpha code for interfacing LV2 and FluidSynth a
> while ago, but I haven't got that far on it yet, the main reason being lack
> of time.
> I'm not sure exactly how libInstPatch works, but I've been thinking that
> maybe one could just mmap the entire soundfont instead of loading it into
> RAM. Or possibly load the metadata into RAM, but not the sample data.

libInstPatch loads instrument files into trees of GObjects (example: SF2
with children SF2Preset, SF2Inst, SF2Sample and the first 2 have children
SF2PZone, SF2IZone which reference SF2Inst and SF2Sample objects for each
zone).  As far as FluidSynth is concerned, the plugin in Swami "renders"
instrument objects into IpatchSF2VoiceCache objects, which contain a list
of SoundFont oriented voices (in other words sample data with the
calculated SoundFont generators) and the trigger criteria (MIDI note and
velocity ranges).  The sample data is also "cached" into RAM.  This occurs
at preset selection time.

When a note-on occurs from FluidSynth, the SoundFont loader API is used to
instantiate the voices (based on the event criteria) with the cached sample

So in summary, libInstPatch loads the metadata at file load time and then
incrementally loads sample data on demand and calculates the voice
parameters (at preset selection time).  This ensures minimal note-on

I would think simply mmapping the audio would cause drop-outs if attempting
to stream directly from it, unless a separate pre-buffering thread was used
(in which case it might not matter if its mmapped or not).  Streaming would
be a nice feature, but I see it as being separate from on-demand loading of
samples and likely full of its own pitfalls.  I know this is what
LinuxSampler does and so I'm sure they are pretty versed with the issues

With today's modern SSD drives with low seek time, it should perhaps be
> possible to load things directly from disk while keeping reasonably low
> latency. That's just an untested idea though.
True, SSD might have a better chance of streaming in realtime without much
pre-buffering.  I still think one would need a separate pre-buffering
thread though, especially since you don't want to be using OS calls from a
RT thread.  It might just mean being able to get away with smaller buffers,
without underruns.

> // David

I see libInstPatch/Swami as being an easy platform to leverage off of to
achieve a lot of neat things.  I don't necessarily suggest that
libinstpatch becomes a required dependency though, so that it can still get
built in a more stripped down form.

A benefit from having libInstPatch support, is that as more instrument
formats are added to libInstPatch, FluidSynth would benefit directly from
it, without any extra work (as long as the synthesis constructs of said
format can be mapped to SoundFont centric parameters).

Best regards,

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