Hi ,
First, thanks a lot to the FluidSynth members team.

I am currently put my nose in the FluidSynth phase Sinc interpolator.
1)Indexing in the sinc_table7 table is written like this (in fluid_rvoice_dsp_config()):

sin_table7[FLUID_INTERP_MAX -i2 -1][i] = v; // indexing with i2 from 255 to 0.

2)I am confused because I espect rather indexing like: sin_table7[i2][i] = v; // indexing with i2 from 0 to 255.

Anybody can tell me why indexing with i2 is from 255 to 0 rather than 0 to 255 ?

Thanks you for your response.
Best regards.


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