At 05:10 AM 9/30/2014, you wrote:

>> So, blah blah blah - does FluidSynth support Bank numbers greater than
>> 127, via the sfload() command, set_bank_offset(), and bank_select()
>> (and the other select commands)? I hope so, making multiple synths
>> doesn't seem very fun =)

>Yes, sfload will return a sound font id which you can then use to shift the 
>bank number of that soundfont with set_bank_offset.

I know I can do that, but that wasn't my question. The question is: if I do the 
above (sfload() and set_bank_offset() with numbers above 127), will the 
"select" commands work? That is, does FS support Bank numbers above 127 

I'm going to check this to be sure, I was just asking ahead of time to possibly 
save the work. 

Garth Hjelte
Sampler User

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