On Thu, 5 Feb 2015, CERESA Jean-Jacques ENAC/ENAC wrote:

I agree with yours pertinent remarks.

That's kind of you but, upon reflection, I realized that much of what I had to say was actually pretty stupid.

All you get with noteOn is channel and note, so stacked noteOns probably result in undefined behavior anyway...unless you're ignoring noteOffs, of course. Probably best to ignore redundant noteOns where no pedals are involved.

I still don't think simply forcing a noteOff, even a low-velocity noteOff, is a good idea since there could be something undesirable in the release.

It looks like you have a situation where something along the lines of a very fast concurrent fade (so as to avoid a pop) has to happen when, and only when, the Ped. and S.P. are up and a sustained note is struck.


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