R.L. Horn wrote:
> gino latino wrote:
> > does someone know any "advanced" command line midi router?
> but the ALSA sequencer API is so straightforward that I
> quickly concluded that it's easier to write one-offs in C.
> especially for unusual and/or complex event mangling

I agree with that.  Except I'd write it in Lua:
or in Perl:
and there are also Python modules alsaseq.py and alsamidi.py
by Patricio Paez:

All that assumes alsa midi, of course ...

Regards,  Peter Billam

http://www.pjb.com.au      p...@pjb.com.au     (03) 6278 9410
"Follow the charge, not the particle."  --  Richard Feynman
 from The Theory of Positrons, Physical Review, 1949

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