Hi fluidsynth-dev:

I've got fluidsynth working nicely in an Android app. What I'm doing is
using the fluid_synth_write_s16 API to generate PCM data that I feed into
Android's OpenSL ES audio system.

However, I'm running into an odd problem where the volume level is low,
even with all MIDI velocities set to the max of 127.

I wonder if this is due to the way I'm trying to generate mono output. In
the parameters to to fluid_synth_write_s16, I've set lout = rout, loff and
roff to both be 0, and lincr and rincr to both be 1 -- i.e. the right
channel is overwriting the left channel.

Could this explain why the volume is low? Because each channel is at half

If so, is there another way to general full-volume mono output? If this is
the correct way to generate mono output, what other reasons could there be
for the volume to be low?



p.s. Aere Greenway, if you are reading this, THANKS for your reply to my
question about SF2/DLS/iOS the other day -- I got the mailing list digest
and can't reply to your reply directly.
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