>“ What happens if there is an instrument with two zone, one zone containing a 
>left sample and pitch generators, the other zone containing right sample? Do 
>they ignore the pitch generators?


Each Instrument Zones are instancied by independent "voices" in the 
synthesizer. In your example at noteon 2 voices wil be started (one voice per 
instrument zone). Each voice have (modulators, a sample wave table , lfos, 
adsrs, filter....).

What the spec say is related to one zone (i.e one voice) at a time. For one 
voice making use of linked sample spec section 7.10 is relevant (i.e 2 samples 
are played simultaneously, but both should be controlled only by one pitch 
generator (i.e the right one).


>What about pitch modulators?

This is independent to previous question. Pitch modulator(s) should modulate 
pitch generator (regardless this generator controls one or two sample).


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