
I installed fluidsynth as a service on kubuntu according to this guide:
(adding DISPLAY=:0 to the config)

now after startup there are two processes:
fluidsy+  20   0  625032  16652  13068 S  14,9  0,2   1:56.71 pulseaudio
fluidsy+  20   0  909016 196852   8440 S  10,2  2,4   1:23.55 fluidsynth


A) The first problem is, that there is an additional pulseaudio spawned
for the fluidsynth user which collides with the user's pulseaudio and
thus sometimes midi works and the other audio doesn't or vice versa
depending who got the audio device.

Should I run fluidsynth for the current user?
Is there any other way to install fluidsynth to the background?
why doesn't it connect to the user's pulsaudio?

B) the next problem is that sometimes (no idea about the likeliness)
after boot-up these two processes consume 100% of a single core each.
manually restarting the service solved it.

any idea?

find below my config.



ps. did not allow real-time priority that's why there are error messages.

$ cat /etc/default/fluidsynth
OTHER_OPTS='-m alsa_seq -r 48000 -o synth.cpu-cores=2 --chorus no
--reverb no'

$ cat /etc/systemd/system/fluidsynth.service
Description=FluidSynth Daemon

ExecStart=/usr/bin/fluidsynth -is -a $AUDIO_DRIVER $OTHER_OPTS ${SOUND_FONT}


$ systemctl status fluidsynth.service
● fluidsynth.service - FluidSynth Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/fluidsynth.service; enabled;
vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2020-03-10 14:36:49 CET; 19min ago
 Main PID: 17946 (fluidsynth)
    Tasks: 10 (limit: 4915)
   CGroup: /system.slice/fluidsynth.service
           ├─17946 /usr/bin/fluidsynth -is -a pulseaudio -m alsa_seq -r
48000 -o synth.cpu-cores 2 --chorus no reverb no
           ├─17950 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog
           └─17957 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pulse/gconf-helper

Mär 10 14:36:51 AFLL pulseaudio[17950]: [pulseaudio] server-lookup.c:
Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed:
/usr/bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally w
Mär 10 14:36:51 AFLL pulseaudio[17950]: [pulseaudio] server-lookup.c:
Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.
Mär 10 14:36:51 AFLL pulseaudio[17950]: [pulseaudio] main.c: Unable to
contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed:
/usr/bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the f
Mär 10 14:36:51 AFLL pulseaudio[17950]: [pulseaudio] main.c: Autolaunch
error: X11 initialization failed.
Mär 10 14:36:51 AFLL pulseaudio[17950]: [pulseaudio] bluez5-util.c:
GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied:
Rejected send message, 2 matched rules; type="m
Mär 10 14:36:51 AFLL fluidsynth[17946]: fluidsynth: Using PulseAudio driver
Mär 10 14:36:51 AFLL fluidsynth[17946]: fluidsynth: warning: Failed to
set thread to high priority
Mär 10 14:36:51 AFLL fluidsynth[17946]: No protocol specified
Mär 10 14:36:51 AFLL fluidsynth[17946]: xcb_connection_has_error()
returned true
Mär 10 14:36:51 AFLL fluidsynth[17946]: fluidsynth: warning: Failed to
set thread to high priority

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