>Tom: Side note: those existing shell commands have already been deprecated. 
>Ofc. this should be reverted once this feature will be implemented.
>Marcus Ah, I wasn't aware of that. What was the reason for deprecating those 
>shell commands?

The reason is that those actual shell fx commands are redundant with respective 
settings (synth.reverb.xxxx, synth.chorus.xxxx).

Instead, the user can use the commands: set synth.reverb.xxxx, set 
synth.chorus.xxxx which set the respective setting for all fx unit. Those

settings are real time and can be changed in a config file.

In the perpective of definitive deprecation of actual fx shell commands, the  
new fx shell commands implementation 
(https://github.com/FluidSynth/fluidsynth/pull/673) is only for individual fx 

(not for all fx units).


Also, because of the redundancy with new fx API (through the unit index -1 as a 
"catch-all"), I am favorable to deprecate the actual fx API. Otherwise we will 
get a complex

set of fx API functions and future developers will not advised (or confused) to 
use those new functions. Indeed, the use of -1 parameter as a "catch-all" is 
used in other API functions, so it

would not hurt developers.


Also, in the perpective of actual fx API deprecation, suffixing the new fx API 
name with 2 becomes not approriate and explicit name should be preferable. For 

fluid_synth_set_reverb_fx_xxxxx(synth, fxunit_idx,xxxxx), 
fluid_synth_set_chorus_fx_xxxxx(synth, fxunit_idx,xxxxx).

Thanks for opinions.


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