

Jeroen's question is relevant for my own efforts to schedule events, 
essentially from a MIDI file, in the FluidSynth sequencer, in order to create a 
WAV file.


It appears that the one important event that I can't directly schedule is a 
tempo change.  In MIDI this is a 6 byte event starting with (hex) bytes FF 51 
03  and then with 3 data bytes specifying the new relationship between ticks 
and milliseconds.


It would be nice if I could just schedule this event directly in the sequencer 
when needed.  But...


.. I gather that the way to do it should be to schedule a call-back, and from 
within the call-back use fluid_sequencer_set_time_scale() to redefine the 
relationship between ticks and milliseconds.   Do I understand that this should 
work straightforwardly after the 2.2.0 fix?


If so, can I ask about 'simultaneous' events?   In music, a tempo change is 
usually notated at a bar line, and a note may start immediately after the bar 
line.  This would result in a note-on event scheduled with the same 
time-marking as the tempo change (or in this case the case the call-back).   
Will that be OK?


Looking forward to getting further up the learning curve with FluidSynth in the 
New Year.   It’s going to save me from MIDI’s 16 channel constraint, and I’m 
seriously impressed.




From: fluid-dev <fluid-dev-bounces+dave=mozart.co...@nongnu.org> On Behalf Of 
Tom M. via fluid-dev
Sent: 25 December 2020 23:05
To: Jeroen Neve <jeroen.n...@hotmail.com>
Cc: Tom M. <tom.m...@googlemail.com>; FluidSynth mailing list 
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Changing sequencer time-scale


This quirk will be fixed in fluidsynth 2.2.0. There are still two issues open 
before we are ready for releasing it. In the meantime, you can clone recent 
master and try it yourself. Feedback is welcome.



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