Hi Ruben,

Am Di., 16. März 2021 um 11:13 Uhr schrieb Ruben Gjertsen

> Thanks, this is interesting. Riccardo Borghesi (on copy) is currently 
> maintaining fluidsynth for Max. I’m just a user, and not very experienced 
> with c-coding. I’m not sure if this is the most recent code:
> https://forge.ircam.fr/p/fluidsynth4max/source/tree/master/
> If there is a way to access the core functions of tuning individual keys, 
> maybe ‘tuning-keys’ could be restored by adding a few lines of code to the 
> current Max version?

If that code is the currently "maintained" version, then you would
probably need to speak to Riccardo directly. That code is apparently
based on FluidSynth 1.0.8, which is now 14(!) years old. It shows the
danger of forking a project to make small additions or alterations
like this: keeping it up-to-date with upstream quickly becomes so much
work that the fork will become stale over time.

I'm not sure why FluidSynth needed to be modified so much in order to
create a Max external for it. Maybe the older autotools-based
FluidSynth created dependency problems on Mac? If that is the case, it
might be worthwhile to try again with the most recent FluidSynth. I
think the CMake build system does work quite well on OS X (see


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