Hi Mr. Fluid,

Using qsynth 
Version: 0.5.0
Debugging option enabled.
Using: FluidSynth 1.1.9

sending Type=176 (0xb0) Chan=00 Key=123 (0x7b) Val=000 (0x00).

notes keep playing in the audio output. decaying, but still playing. Why are 
they not muted?

Full MIDI message log
Type=144 (0x90) Chan=00 Key=043 (0x2b) Val=127 (0x7f).

Type=144 (0x90) Chan=00 Key=047 (0x2f) Val=127 (0x7f).

Type=144 (0x90) Chan=00 Key=050 (0x32) Val=127 (0x7f).

Type=144 (0x90) Chan=00 Key=055 (0x37) Val=127 (0x7f).

Type=144 (0x90) Chan=00 Key=059 (0x3b) Val=127 (0x7f).

Type=144 (0x90) Chan=00 Key=065 (0x41) Val=127 (0x7f).

Type=176 (0xb0) Chan=00 Key=123 (0x7b) Val=000 (0x00).

I am sure that this is probably a configuration issue, but I haven't found it 
yet. Thanks for helping!


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