
I'm having problems running Fluidsynth as a service

fluidsynth --version
FluidSynth runtime version 2.3.1
FluidSynth executable version 2.3.1
Sample type=double

If I run Fluidsynth as a service, this is what gets written to the systemd

systemctl status fluidsynth
○ fluidsynth.service - FluidSynth Daemon
    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/fluidsynth.service; enabled;
preset: disabled)
    Active: inactive (dead) since Tue 2023-02-21 16:09:38 EST; 1s ago
  Duration: 39.409s
      Docs: man:fluidsynth(1)
   Process: 48529 ExecStart=/usr/bin/fluidsynth -is $OTHER_OPTS $SOUND_FONT
(code=killed, signal=TERM)
  Main PID: 48529 (code=killed, signal=TERM)
       CPU: 2.623s

Feb 21 16:09:27 dragon fluidsynth[48529]: Failed to symlink
/root/.config/pulse/5e02be2510074b4d841b6f739518d755-runtime.tmp to
/tmp/pulse-4iyRmKxiKg9I: Read-only file system
Feb 21 16:09:27 dragon fluidsynth[48529]: Failed to symlink
/root/.config/pulse/5e02be2510074b4d841b6f739518d755-runtime.tmp: Read-only
file system
Feb 21 16:09:32 dragon fluidsynth[48529]: Failed to symlink
/root/.config/pulse/5e02be2510074b4d841b6f739518d755-runtime.tmp to
/tmp/pulse-DUPmkLrvifSk: Read-only file system
Feb 21 16:09:32 dragon fluidsynth[48529]: Failed to symlink
/root/.config/pulse/5e02be2510074b4d841b6f739518d755-runtime.tmp: Read-only
file system
Feb 21 16:09:37 dragon fluidsynth[48529]: Failed to symlink
/root/.config/pulse/5e02be2510074b4d841b6f739518d755-runtime.tmp to
/tmp/pulse-FKEvi8dcgARs: Read-only file system
Feb 21 16:09:37 dragon fluidsynth[48529]: Failed to symlink
/root/.config/pulse/5e02be2510074b4d841b6f739518d755-runtime.tmp: Read-only
file system

This is the config file the service is using:
set audio.driver alsa
set audio.alsa.device=hw:1

However, if I run Fluidsynth as a user, like so -
fluidsynth --audio-driver=alsa /usr/share/soundfonts/default.sf2

Then it works perfectly.

I'd prefer to have it start as a service and not require the user to run it
manually, if possible.

Is there a way? What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for taking the time to read
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