Hi everyone,

There will be a Community Workshop on Tuesday March 9, 2pm to 3:30pm ET.

Topic:  Sonification design in Balloons and Static Electricity PhET Simulation

The PhET project creates online physics simulations for education and in recent 
years is enhancing simulations with multimodal interactions. Ashton from the 
PhET will be sharing different iterations of the Balloons and Static 
Electricity simulation that use sonification to indicate the transferring of 
electrical charges. We will be listening and discussing the different 
sonification designs. It will also be an opportunity to help provide feedback 
to the PhET team. You can play a development version 
 that includes a version of the sonification.

Facilitator: Ashton Morris, PhET Project

Meeting Details
Date: Tuesday March 9, 2021
Time: 2pm to 3:30pm ET
Zoom Meeting URL: 

Other Information
For more information about Inclusive Design Critiques and Workshops including 
schedule, please visit this wiki 
Contributions at Community Design Crits are licensed under Creative Commons 
Attribution 4.0 International 
 and follow the Fluid and Inclusive Design Community Code of 


Jonathan Hung, Inclusive Design Collaborator / Researcher
Email: jh...@ocadu.ca<mailto:jh...@ocadu.ca>
OCAD University
Inclusive Design Research Centre

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