Regarding Michel Foucault prisons doesn't make any sense... regarding Niklas Luhmann
entering an autopietic system destroy it because you're destroying their inner logic
they need for life... I'm against any kind of violence - physical or mental. And I'm
with  Joseph Beuys, Robert Filliou and all other Fluxists who are saying that you
can't change the world by violence - only by dialogue.

PS: This argumentation line of "stop understanding" is the same as the right-winged
people are using... it's time to stop letting foreign people come in, it's time to
stop tolerating that all foreign people are getting our jobs, it's time... sorry
Ernest, I don't believe that your are one of those bad guys, but choose your words

Ernest Lergon schrieb:

> Marc Schulz und Christina Ohlhus wrote:
> >
> > my idea is not to make such strong reactions like a total boykott of  austria.
> > first a deeper understanding of the facts, then a reaction. please be more
> > open-minded to support those people who didn't vote haider & schuessel!
> >
> It's time to stop understanding! In Germany every rigth-wing skinhead,
> who slaughtered an immigrant, receives sympathic judgement  - because of
> his drunken mother, his work-less father and so on. And then he is sent
> to a holiday camp for three weeks instead of being put into prison for
> 15 years as murderer.

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