Issue:  Fluxstamps

Activity:  The making and submitting forth of art stamps. Email
me an image, or, snail mail me an image to scan....Email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:   P.K. Harris, 137 Sixth Street,
Pacific Grove, CA 93950 USA

Artists:      You know who you are

If you would like more info on this and would like to view the
stamps submissions I have thus far, just reply to this and insert
"yep" or something for content.  I have had little luck sending
all the parameters through the list server - it keeps coming back
to me saying "too many hops."  This may be a reference to
inebriation or to icons of Easter - I have no idea.


"I love deadlines.  I like the whooshing sound they make as they
fly by.....     Douglas Adams

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