check out willem de ridder or wim t. schippers (both holland), they are
pioneers for radio art!

Ceyda Karamürsel (CUSTOMER TECH-Uzm.) schrieb:

> > hi,
> >
> > while ago i found sound samples of the albums Odysseus7:Radio Space Opera
> > and Radio Inferno by Andreas Ammer together with F.M. Einheit and Ulrike
> > Haage ( it is sooo good, at least the parts that i
> > listened. then i read somewhere that  Andreas Ammer is only working on
> > radio plays. Does anybody know anything about him? web sites... etc.
> > and one other question: are there any fluxus events specifically for
> > radio?
> >
> > regards,
> >
> > ceyda

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