Fluxlisters should also try searching for books on Advanced Book
Exchange:    http://www.abebooks.com

They're similar to Bibliofind, but at this point they have more
booksellers (5700 total I think).   I own a small, scholarly used
bookshop & have been selling on both Bibliofind & Advanced Book Exchange
& recommend them both.

BarnesandNoble.com advertises used books, but they take the same books
(from the same bookdealers) on ABE and Bibliofind and raise the price.
And Amazon searches for used books, but they search on Bibliofind &
Advanced Book Exchange (ABE), and then raise the price.

So I recommend that you just search for yourself on ABE & Bibliofind.

Happy Hunting,
Rosalie Gancie
Alphaville Bookshop

Sol Nte wrote:
> Reed wrote:
> >http://www.bibliofind.com/cgi-bin/texis.exe/s/search
> Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's fantastic, they have so much I've been
> looking for...now if you could also help me to find a better paid job so I
> can afford to buy all these books ;-)
> cheers,
> Sol.


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