Cheat Mode (Scurk)

All reward and opportunity buildings - i am weak
Construction, if offer was declined - zyxwvu
Donation offer - call cousin vinnie
Change the sea to salt water - salt on
Change the sea to fresh water - salt off
"Sorry, Money Doesn't Grow On Broccoli" message - broccoli
"If You Build It, They Will Come" message - scurk
"The Llama Is A Quadruped" message - llama
"Duo Ragazzi's Easter Egg Palace: Old World Charm In A Post Modern Setting"     
message - easter egg
"(Name of City) Picayune: The Finest In Scrolling Entertainment" message -  
"Secret Number Combination Causes Announcement In News Ticker: message -    
"Did you know that MAXIS spelled backwards is SIX AM?" message - maxis
All extra gifts - pay tribute to your king
Stops advice - stop forcing advice
All power plants - power to the masses
All water plants - water in the desert
Mortimer will say the indicated phrase - force mortimer to say (phrase)
Moe will say the indicated phrase - force moe to say (phrase)
Constance will say the indicated phrase - force constance to say (phrase)
If you have connections to your neighbors, they will start trying to make 
deals -     let's make a deal.

[found -- from one of my son's computer game "cheats"]


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