> And maybe the "holy cows", if they are to be attacked, are better hit, par
> hasard. But I dont know of any "holy cows" worth to be attacked now.
> Maybe labor etc...

Mass Media.
The Gap.
Dr Laura.
US Cultural Warfare.
Advertisements pandering to children.
McDonalds, Disney, Etc.
Big Tobbacco.
Exploitation: Women, Men, Animals, Environmental.

Maybe some of these things are not sacred cows and maybe the
damage they pose is minimal- sky scrapers are as natural as trees-
but they are sacred cows. Everything should be questioned and I
make this statement not because I believe in the core of meaninglessness
and absurdity but because when you question everything the real meaning
of life becomes more apparent. Call it God if you want- I ain't.

It would be interesting to work on a Fluxus Direct Action Score Book
for Political Change and Education. Base it on neither left or right wing
politics but as a horizon-widener.

Creative solutions to sacred cow worshippers. Changing the world
through art- like guerilla gardening, for example. Seems Fluxus to me.
Maybe not. Maybe its 138 again.

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