At 7:56 PM +0200 6/8/00, alan bowman wrote:
>Did I get the biggest elephant?
>12.8 cm X 8.2 cm X 2cm

That's the mammoth. ..))

>Kathy is it ok to drop it in water or will it dissolve like syd barrets
>effervescing elephant?

Do you have a picture?

They probably won't dissolve, but they do break really well. If you 
put one on a mantelpiece, you can just swipe your arm across the top 
and down the elephant will crash, to be lost with the lions and 
others. But if you save the pieces I'll glue them together. Unless 
you do a really good job and they're dust. it's all in the motion; 
like carving stone, they have to ping just right.

The elephants are kiln fired and can stand water for a good long 
while, though as they're only bisque, not vitreous, they may not 
survive under seawater without olive oil.

I looked up syd barret, there's survey about him/his music. I just 
don't know much about either, though recall neighbors breaking 
up/making up to Pink Floyd one winter, all winter, at the top of the 
volume control. But though I don't have their records, I'll be happy 
to listen to them courtesy the Internet, when otherwise I probably 
would not at all.

I propose that instead of further considering this "Forer elephant*" 
survey that <> be 
substituted. I can't see how a survey like this can be taken as 
anything but a parody, yet feel that you, Alan, surrounded by 
children as you were, didn't mean it that way. Though i went so far 
as to photograph the elephants wholesale, en masse and individually, 
in B&W Tri-X pushed 1/2 or a full stop, I quite forget which, so the 
film sits undeveloped. I never thought to measure or weigh them; had 
I done that I might have obviated the need to wrap and mail them!

It's difficult enough when I continue to make things which remain 
essentially tchotchkes even when they're considerably larger in size. 
"The quest for immateriality of substance is often mistaken for 
anti-sensualism and thus disregarded."

And I'll happily continue to drift quietly into the elephantine and 
hairy ozone. Kathy

>Freeformfreakoutorganisation FluxlistboxelephantbyK.Forer Survey
>Address (approximate) 
>Dimensions of elephant
>(L:, B + H at furthest points in cm) 
>Capacity in ml   (if appropriate)
>Weight in g.
>best wishes
>happy al
>Could be the new F.F.F.O publication if there's enough responses

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