[In the following message replace *** with vim........I had to do this as I
have now reconfigured the list so that any message with mo***ento is now

Hi all,

I was saddened to see the nasty post from mo***ento in my inbox this morning
and have thus acted to prevent mo***ento from posting to this list.

Having checked the domain for this post, I see that mo***ento is in
fact an Italian list. I looked around the site and found out that someone
has been adding the mo***ento list as a member of other lists (one of which
is of course Fluxlist). Anyway I hope that I've sorted out the problem. I
hate to
see this sort of thing.

May I say to everyone that this sort of behaviour will never be tolerated on
Fluxlist and ask that people do their best to ignore it and carry on posting
as usual, especially Carol. I know these kind of things can be very
upsetting. In a day and age when we have such wonderful communication
technologies that allow us to make friends all over the world it is a shame
that some people feel they have to use this communication power to be
horrible. Hopefully we will not have a repeat of this kind of thing.....in
any case please be assured that we do what we can to prevent this sort of
thing from occurring on Fluxlist.



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