June 3rd to July 8th, 2000

  Opening: Friday, June 2nd, 18.00 - 21.00h

  Eight years ago the idea arsFutura was realised: Promotion of 
contemporary art,
  focusing on New Media and Photography and a constant growth with and 
through the
  artists. In retrospect there are cornerstones, special works as 
reminders of special shows
  that were important in the process of forming our identity.

  After eight years of arsFutura Gallery, the desire to look back and 
to reveal this identity
  in showing it not only in its parts but in its entirety has emerged.*

  The survey attempts to make areas of tensions as well as the whole 
spectrum of our art
  transparent and to stimulate a discourse of positions, especially 
with regard to our
  continuous search for possibilities to break with conventions in art 
and to set new
  standards across borders.

  *Please visit our homepage for a survey of all previous exhibitions:


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