Hullo Will,

Good that your living box has flowers, they can really brighten one's day.  Nice
name, Fluxedo Junction, and I like the ethereal ambiguity of your manifesto : )

I can stand, can sometimes look important and I be dancin' most every day, will
participate in your next performance gladly, but will have to do it from
California-by-the-other-sea.  Just let me know the date, time, theme, script,
direction to stand in, or whatever.

But, you first will have to get permission for me to do so from my controlling
entity, the mystic eye.



> My Name is: Will
> I Live in a : Box with some flowers
> Location?:sadly,Long Island,New York
> Occupation:Committing heinous crimes of DISONNANCE!
> I belong to a NEW GROUP,located oddly enough,on LONG ISLAND
> We are called  FLUXEDO JUNCTION
> We are:myself and Scott,and whoever we deem art(or fruit)
> Why am I here?: to tell you you all about the boring,rehashed attempts at ART
> that    we inflict on unsuspecting  passengers.
> We do:Ambient sort of jazz,but not really,----Theater(currently working on
> John        Cale;s "Last Day on Earth"----sculpture-----guerilla productions
> on and          around this planet
> Nice to make your acquaintances.
> Will
> P.S. if you play an instrument,write poetry,dance,or like to stand about and
> look important,please contact us and join us at our next performance(We'll
> keep you posted)

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