Rich history time pieces available.

Am leaving for France, so can't gather
mine to post.

If still interested, can do so on return.

Time Travel Piece #1 is essentially
a piece that Alan Sonfist did in New York.

It was created in the early 1960s and was
up for several decades. Don't know if
it still exists. It was a plot of land (larger
than 10 x 10) that was returned to the
state of natural vegetation on the site
that existed before the Dutch settled
the area.

-- Ken Friedman


Time Travel Piece #1
by Adam Villani, 2000

Designate a 10' by 10' square plot of urbanized land and return it to the
state it was in before humans settled the area. The time travel area should
extend down from the surface into bedrock, and up into the sky. Any changes
in elevation should be corrected.


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