note: fluxlisters may find this of great ineterest as a lot of work by
visual poets and mail artists who may be familiar to the list

        Copies of BLACKBIRD 2 are still available.

        BLACKBIRD ia an international anthology of Art, Poetry, Prose
        begun in 1998 by Editor David Stone.

        The anthology is inspired by a poem by Paul Celan:


        war die ein-

        fluglig schwebende Amsel,

        uber der Brandmauer, hinter

        Paris, droben,



        As if speaking

        the one-

        winged blackbird hovered,

        over the firewall, behind

        Paris, above,

        in the


                (translation David Stone)

        BLACKBIRD 2 presents works by 36 artists/poets from 12 countries.

        Babenko, Basso, Beining, Bertrand, Blankenburg, Breuer,
        Bulatov, Burrus, Chirot, Damman, Dencker, Fierens, Gilder,
        Hansen, Hauptman, Inman, Keeney, Klassen, Knapp, Lagerwerf,
        Langham, Luigino, Maggi, Masnata, Mazzoni, Nordo, McKindles,
        Perez-Cares, Reichert, Sherarts, Vieira, Sourdin, Stone, Lopes
        Torres, Vermeulen, Van Sebroeck

        It is available from:

        David Stone
        The Carolina
        112 W. University Pkwy. #1c
        Baltimore, MD  21210  USA

        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        The cost is $15.00 US, plus $3.00 US for shipping and handling.

        BLACKBIRD 2 is published by Merle Publications, Baltimore,
                Maryland: 2000.

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