In my email today - an interesting site that I forward

David Baptiste Chirot wrote:

> Hi Hei ko
>          overflowing prisons, massive drug and alcohol
>         problems,  poverty, illiteracy, violence
>         single parent homes, ghettos, reservations
>         homelessness
>         healthcare, judicial systems, schools in a mess
>         and yes "buy me"
>         buy the presidency, the congress, the senate, the judges
>         the lawyers, the insurance companies, wall street
>         "the best that money can buy"
>         "buy american"
>                 Go on, my dear Americans, whip your horses to the utmost--
>                 open all your valves and let her go--swing, whirl with the
>                 rest--you will soon get under such momentum you can't stop
>                 if you would.  Only make provision betimes, old States and
>                 new, for several thousand insane asylums.  You are in a
>                 fair way to create a whole nation of lunatics.
>                 --WALT WHITMAN
>         --db chirot
>         -4th of July 2000, "Independence" Day
> On Tue, 4 Jul 2000, Heiko Recktenwald wrote:
> > Spammers etc, Clarinet, people speak so much an "optimistic buy me"
> > language. Think its the usual way of talking. TV is like for babies.
> > Etc pp. How is it to live under such circumstances ?
> >
> > H.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >      --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
> >

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