(i've said it before and i'll say it again

josh ronsen....!  share some more stuff with us all(all)!!!!

(thanks for the latest additions to my little j.r. archive!))

i am a buffoon!!!

it was robert fontenot who sent me the stuff.

i apologise to robert for getting him confused with josh

i apologise with josh for getting him confused with robert

i have not met either.

robert !

thanks for the stuff!!  again, quite wonderful!!!

josh - i'm busy working on the 2nd edition of the "please alter this e-mail"
thing - thanks for your bit which am putting into the book at this moment
('bout f***ing time was the cry)

josh thorp - i haven't forgotten you - it's the end of term here and im busy
getting kids through exams, writing reports, sweating like a gissie and
being bitten to death by mosquitoes - you will get it- i promise :-)



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